Apologies for my very-wordy, rushed and unedited post yesterday. It was such a crazy day and I wanted everybody to know where we were at.
Today we had a home visit from the PC team nurse and my goodness such a lovely, beautiful, gentle, adorable young lady she was. She made us both feel good.
The goodness continued through the radiotherapy trip to RAH and treatment (yes those two loud blonde whatever-they-are’s were there ignoring us), and after a nap, time to sit with Tom and Julie and me and eat two IKEA meatballs in a dab of IKEA sauce with a slither of IKEA broccoli medallion and 1/4 non-IKEA baby potato and now minutes into midnight still with not a single 🤮.
He is so ready to enjoy this weekend.
IKEA meatballs.... with IKEA gravy and Lingonberry sauce... IKEA won't deliver Lingonberry sauce and if you buy it from Amazon it's $13/bottle US. Forget Toilet Paper shortage.. we will soon be looking at a serious Lingonberrry shortage... Glad to hear he is doing so much better.